Donnie "The Great Tipper" Wahlberg Strikes Again

Attention, waitresses – if Donnie Wahlberg comes into your restaurant, make sure you’re nice to him. He’s clearly on a tipping tour. Last month, he gifted the overnight crew at a Waffle House in Edgewater, Maryland with $5-hundred bucks. 

This time, the New Kids on the Block star left a $2-thousand dollar tip on an $82 dollar bill at a Waffle House in Charlotte, North Carolina. He explained yesterday’s random act of kindness with, “My mom waited tables, and my dad tended bars-- for years! So, when I walk into a #WaffleHouse, and the staff treats me like a king, you better believe I treat them like queens!” 

As if that weren’t enough, Donnie also gave some of his fellow diners tickets and backstage passes to the NKOTB show.

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