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Exchanging Phone Numbers Is So Passé

These days most folks likely exchange Instagram or Twitter account names so they can get to know someone, and phone numbers are almost obsolete. Not even two years ago a study found that 62% of teens exchanged social media names when they first meet, with only 13% communicating via the phone. The numbers aren’t surprising to some people. The death of the phone number was named as one of the five things to expect in 2016 by David Marcus, who runs the Facebook Messaging app.

People tend to stay connected to friends and acquaintances simply by following their social media accounts. In fact, when people actually do get a phone call most don’t actually pick up. Plus, being connected through social media only makes it easier to cut someone out of your life if need be. Should you find out a person is a bit nuts it’s much easier to just de-friend or block them rather than ignore constant phone calls, or worse yet, change your number if they become a nuisance.

Of course, not everyone is willing to give up the phone number. One person told the “New York Post” that it feels “more authentic” when someone asks for a number rather than just a social media contact. The person added, “I think [asking for your social media] is a way of being nosy, which I don’t like. Get to know me before you stalk my life!”

Source: New York Post

Photo:  Getty Images Europe

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