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There Is A Right Way And A Wrong Way To Eat Pringles

My guess is not many people put a lot of thought into how they eat their favorite snack. Sure, folks have thoughts on the right way to eat an Oreo, or maybe what dip goes best with what chip, but usually most people are just shoving that tasty treat into their mouth.  Well, in case you missed it,  the folks at Pringles want you to know there is a right and wrong way to eat their chip, and putting two together to look like duck lips isn’t it.

Makers of Pringles say that how you eat the chip can affect the flavor, since only one side of a Pringle is actually flavored. They admit that the flavor can rub off from chip to chip, but the flavor on the sides tend to be uneven for this reason. 

So, in order to maximum the Pringles' flavor, the company says folks should nibble on their Pringle with the convex side facing up, meaning when you’re eating it the center sides should be high as tips fall down. If you eat it with the concave side up, you won’t be getting as much flavor since it doesn’t get the direct seasoning.

Source: The Daily Mail

photo: Getty Images North America

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