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Most Googled Recipes During Pandemic

Lots of people have been spending more time in the kitchen recently and many of them are looking for new recipes online. According to Google Trends, searches for recipes have trended up since March, with Sunday being their biggest day for recipe searches. They’ve also been tracking which ones people are looking up the most during the coronavirus pandemic.

So what does everyone want to cook right now? Banana bread comes in first, which is no surprise since we’ve seen people baking it all over social media. These are Google Trend’s top 10 recipe-related searches since March 1st:

  1. Banana bread recipe
  2. Pancake recipe
  3. Chicken recipes
  4. Pizza dough recipe
  5. Brownie recipe
  6. “Recette crepe” (“crepe recipe” in French)
  7. Meatloaf recipe
  8. French toast recipe
  9. Lasagna recipe
  10. Cheesecake recipe

Source:Food and Wine

photo: Getty Images

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