Bill George

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Subtle “Red Flags” That Tell You A Movie Will Be Bad

Remember going to the movie theater? Well, hopefully the days of shelling out too much money on a movie will be back soon, and then all we’ll have to worry about is whether or not that movie will be good or not. But if you don’t want to wait for reviewers opinions, folks have figured out some subtle signs that will clue you in beforehand as to whether a movie is bad and now they are sharing.

Someone on Reddit recently asked users "What are some subtle 'red flags' that tell you a movie is not worth watching?,” and plenty of folks were more than happy to chime in.  Such “red flags” include:

  • "If you don't laugh once at a trailer for a comedy, don't bother watching the movie."
  • "If the trailer has blurbs from reviews, I always check to see who wrote each review because — for really bad movies — they will often put multiple blurbs from the same good review."
  • "If the ads for it say, 'Critics are calling it laugh-out-loud funny!’ It’s almost always garbage."
  • "If it's clearly just a 'star vehicle.' Like, if all the hype around the film is about one star's 'riveting performance,' but there's no corresponding critical praise for the story, directing, special effects, etc."
  • "The release date tells you everything you need to know. For instance, the only movies that go into wide release in January or February are: Oscar bait that got limited releases in December in NY/LA to qualify for the Oscars, a romance or two the Friday before Valentine's Day, and crap that the distributors are assuming will bomb."
  • "I love Hall and Oates, but if 'You Make My Dreams Come True' is used in the trailer for a movie, it's likely going to be trash."
  • "I've found how bad a movie is is exponentially proportional to how many helicopters are in the trailer..."
  • "When there are long voiceovers to set up the story or to advance the story. It means either the writer sucked or they couldn’t get the scenes quite right. So the editor had nothing to work with."
  • "If I see boobs in the first 10 minutes. I've watched a lot of really bad movies and one surprising thing they all have in common is that they have a naked woman some time early on.”
  • "If you find out that they didn't screen it for critics, you know it's going to be really bad."
  • "When you feel the preview showed you basically the whole movie." 


photo: GettyImages

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