Bill George

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Most People Drink More at Family Holiday Gatherings

While there are plenty of people who love holiday gatherings, there are many others who hate them. But there is one thing that can make them more bearable – booze. Unfortunately, that can also lead to some real holiday disasters. 

A new survey conducted on behalf of Ritual Zero Proof finds:

  • 60% percent of people dread holiday family gatherings, with almost 50% saying they usually end in tears.
  • 48% of people admit they drink more at family holiday gatherings than any other social events.
  • 58% say their family drinks to much at holiday events.
  • 63% say there’s always one family member who takes things too far because of their drinking.
  • One-third say it’s usually their uncle that drinks too much and does something outrageous.
  • 54% say there’s always someone who winds up having to apologize for something they don’t remember saying or doing.
  • Another 54% say a drunk family member has done or said something that changed the family dynamic.
  • As for the alcoholic beverages likely to take folks over the edge at holiday parties, respondents say they are:
    • Whiskey (43%)
    • Beer (43%)
    • Wine (40%)
    • Tequila (37%) 

ONE MORE THING! It isn’t just family holiday parties where booze gets folks in trouble. In fact, 70% of people think too much booze is served at office holiday parties. So much so that 56% of people say they've felt worried about getting fired after an office holiday party.

Source:SWNS Digital Photo: Getty Images

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