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George Harrison's Widow Pens Book of Poems Dedicated To Late Beatle

It's been over 20 years since George Harrison's passing, and now his widow Olivia Harrison is dedicating a new book of poems to her late husband. "Came the Lightening" will come out on June 21. It'll be a collection of 20 poems that Olivia wrote for George following his death. 

In a statement, Olivia said, “Here on the shore, 20 years later, my message in a bottle has reached dry land. Words about our life, his death but mostly love and our journey to the end.”

Martin Scorsese, who directed "Living in the Material World," the Harrison doc wrote an intro for the new book of poems. Via statement, he said, “Olivia evokes the most fleeting gestures and instants, plucked from the flow of time and memory and felt through her choice of words and the overall rhythm. She might have done an oral history or a memoir. Instead, she composed a work of poetic autobiography.” 

Olivia has published a series of biographical works already, but this will be her first poetry collection. It's available for pre-order. You can also pre-order a limited edition version signed and number by Olivia herself.

photo: Getty Images Source: Rolling Stone Twitter/GeorgeHarrison

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