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Springsteen Fan Website Shuts Down to Protest Ticket Prices

A fan magazine of rocker Bruce Springsteen has let its “Glory Days” go by. The dedicated “fanzine” lovingly titled “Backstreets” has shuttered itself after 43 years… in protest of ticket prices to see The Boss. Calling themselves “disillusioned,” the fan-published magazine has ended circulation following high ticket costs to all of Springsteen’s shows.

“Six months after the on-sales, we still faced this three-part predicament,” said “Backstreets” in an editorial. “These are concerts that we can hardly afford; that many of our readers cannot afford; and that a good portion of our readership has lost interest in as a result.” The fanzine began publishing in 1980 and was one of the top sources of info on all-things-Springsteen.

For his part, the New Jersey rocker doesn’t seem too phased by fans’ outrage at pricing. “I want to do what everybody else is doing, my peers,” Springsteen recently said. “I know it was unpopular with some fans, but if there’s any complaints, they can have your money back.”

photo: Getty Images Source: Deadline

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