I knew it was just a matter of time before someone came out with a holiday commercial that upset people but I honestly never thought it would be a bike commercial.
Check it out below but basically a guy gives his a wife a bike...she rides it for a year... makes a video journal and is over all pleased with her progress.
Sounds fine right? WELL apparently not. People are annoyed with the fact that the husband gave the wife the bike...that she was already fit to begin with... that it minimizes the weight loss journey yada yada yada... you get the jist.
Personally, I understand why someone would be annoyed by it but seriously, who are we to judge. Just because she was thin when she got the bike, doesn't mean she didn't go through a personal journey in the year. Physical changes to one's form are just one way to grow, maybe she used the bike to deal with anger, or stress and frustration and changed her life that way.
Anyways the thoughts of the peanut gallery are below...what do you think?