Two Dozen Coronavirus Cases Linked to Wedding Reception in Maine

It's safe to say 2020 has not been the best year. Most of us have had to face disappointment in one fashion or another due to the virus yet perhaps the most disappointed have to be the couples who were planning to celebrate their love and tie the knot this past year. Due to health concerns many couples chose to reschedule or drastically curve back on what their celebration was supposed to look like, and for good reason. For most the risk of endangering their loved ones was just too great. However not all chose that path and some had to face the consequences of their actions.

Beautiful bride and groom with sparklers on a meadow.

Earlier today Health Officials for the state of Maine released a press release stating that over two dozen people tested positive after attending a wedding reception on August 7th at Big Moose Inn Cabins and Campground in Millinocket, about 70 miles north of Bangor.

Unfortunately it wasn't just the guests of the wedding reception who were exposed to the virus. The statement went on to say that while about 65 people were in attendance there were 6 additional people who were catering to the needs of the event who also tested positive. Looking on the bright side all who were in attendance were Maine residence so the outbreak was contained to the state.

You can check out the full press release here

Photo Credit: Getty/Halfpoint

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