With Thanksgiving right around the corner and the Pandemic raging on many people have been forced to change their holiday plans last minute. Stranding many college kids at school for the holidays. But one professor decided to spread some holiday cheer and with her students.
The professor wrote, " Good Morning. I know this has been a difficult time for a lot of you - some of you have had Covid, some of you are currently in quarantine, and some of you may not be able to go home for Thanksgiving as you have family members who are social distancing."
She goes on to then offer her own Thanksgiving meal to her students saying, " I don't want anyone to feel alone at Thanksgiving, or miss out on a homecooked family dinner, so I want to invite you to share my Thanksgiving dinner. I've talked to my kids and we would be happy to make extra portions of everything and drop it by your apartment or residence (as long as it's a 20 mile radius)."
She even takes the pandemic into consideration saying, " Since we are all socially distancing we would leave it outside and have no physical contact with you. I truly want you to take me up on this offer if you are in town. As I mentioned, me and my kids have been socially distancing and we will prepare the food wearing masks to reduce the likely hood of anything being spread."
And as if that wasn't enough she provides a menu and considers dietary restrictions, "My youngest daughter is Vegan so there will be a Vegan option. Check the menu below."
She concluded her email saying, " If you are socially distancing with a roommate or significant other, I'll be happy to drop off two or even three portions."
Check out the full post below
It just goes to show not all heroes wear capes! Some wear aprons.
Photo Credit: Getty