Recipes To Start 2021 Off Right With Gordon Ramsay

Here in the good ole' USA most people typically think of Gordon Ramsay as the British Chef from Hell's Kitchen who yells, screams and curses however he really is a down to Earth family man who decided to kick the year off sharing his family off with ours to make some tasty treats!

2018 Fox Network Upfront

Now personally I am a touch biased, I LOVE Gordon. I've seen just about every show he's ever done so when he decided to share some recipes to kick off our year right I just knew I had to take a peek!

As expected I certainly wasn't disappointed, the only thing I would change with this video is he doesn't seem to give you a full write out of the ingredients you'll need to replicate them, but honestly sometime just watching a killer chef like him will give you some fun ideas for your own kitchen!

Other than that, it certainly was entertaining! Catch the video for yourself below!

Photo Credit: Getty

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