See Photos Of Barack Obama's 60th Birthday Party On Martha's Vineyard

The former Potus was on Martha's Vineyard over the weekend celebrating his 60th birthday in a big way!

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Photo: Getty Images

It's no surprise that President Obama choose Martha's Vineyard as his location for his big birthday bash, after all he and his family have been making the Vineyard their Summer retreat for quite some time now. However this years birthday celebration certainly took the cake!

While the event was originally scaled down from around 700 people including 500 guests and 200 staff to just the closest of friends and family clearly they still had a great time.

The guest list included high profile names like Beyoncé and Jay-Z, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Steven Spielberg, John Legend and wife Chrissy Teigen, Bradley Cooper. And while photos were strictly forbidden it looks like a few pics still made it out of the festivities!

Check out the pics before they're gone below!

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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