Kristin Lessard & Steve Kelly

Kristin Lessard & Steve Kelly

Kristin & Steve, weekday mornings from 5-10!Biografía completa


Will Handshakes Be a Thing Of the Past After the Pandemic?

With social distancing being the new norm, hugs and handshakes have gone by the wayside. Will they ever come back? Some people don't want them to! According to a new poll by Business Insider/Survey Monkey of over 1,000 Americans, a majority don't want handshakes to come back after the pandemic.

Participants were asked: "Given that they can be a vector for transmission of disease, some public health officials have suggested replacing the customary handshake with an alternative greeting. What are your views on this?"

A whopping 54 percent feel we need to find some sort of different greeting like a wave (22%), or a nod (14%). 8% think we should bow!

As for alternatives, some suggested we go with jazz hands instead. Others say the Vulcan salute from Star Trek would be an option...if you can do it, some people have trouble with that one. And some people suggest opting for the Wakanda Forever salute from "Black Panther!"

Photo Credit: P Deliss

Two People Shaking Hands

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