If you've been hoping to take a European vacation, you may be able to do that this Summer, but first you'll need to get your shots. Authorities in the European Union are now saying that Americans who have been fully vaccinated against Covid 19 may soon be able to travel to Europe for vacation.
They imposed travel restrictions last March on most visitors from foreign nations, and when they reopened the borders of the 27 member nations last July, they still did not allow us to travel there from the United States.
The European Medicines Agency has given it's approval for each of the three coronavirus vaccines that have been distributed here in the United States, the Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson. Once you have your shots, you'll need to have proof in the form of a digital vaccination passport. So far they haven't given a timeline for when we'd be able to travel there, which doesn't make planning a trip very easy, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
Photo Credit: Getty Images / Robin Van Lonkhuijsen