Ugh...why is this not available in the United States yet? I have to try this new peanut butter spread from M & M Mars. It's peanut butter with peanut M & M's mixed in it! Whomever came up with this is a genius! There's also peanut butter with regular M & M's in it. Both sound amazing, but for some reason they're only sold over in the United Kingdom right now. Did they not think us American's would enjoy that too? Totally not fair!
Thank goodness for the internet though, because those two peanut butters are available online on the Candy Funhouse website. Click HERE to find out more and buy yours. I will warn you, this peanut buttery deliciousness does not come cheap. A 225 gram jar is gonna set you back $12.99! Yikes! But it definitely sounds worth it.
Photo: Getty Images