Get ready for sticker shock if you’re looking to buy a new artificial Christmas tree this holiday season. Continuing supply chain issues are causing the prices of fake trees to skyrocket. Reportedly the cost of artificial trees could increase by up to 66 percent!
One popular artificial tree company, Balsam Hill says their tree inventory is down by 22 percent thanks to global supply chain issues, and that is driving up the cost of some of their more popular trees. The pricetag of their Grand Canyon Cedar Tree is up by a couple of hundred bucks this year, selling now for $499!
Treetime in Illinois says they only plan to raise prices on their fake trees by about 20 percent, even though the cost of shipping has gone up by 500 percent!
According to CNN, National Tree Company in Cranford, New Jersey is expecting demand for decorations and trees to be up by 25 percent this year, and freight costs to increase, so they'll be raising their tree prices by 20% to 25%!
Photo: Getty Images