We've kinda reached a sad point in time when we now have cartoon characters making videos explaining to us why we should all get the Covid 19 vaccine. Now don't get me wrong, I love Family Guy. It's one of my favorite animated shows, I just think this is kind of bizarre.
There's a new public service video that's been posted on the show's Twitter page. In the video, Peter Griffin is in his doctor's office and asks Stewie and his dog Brian why he should get the stupid Covid vaccine. They then transport themselves into Peter's blood stream to explain how the vaccine works. It's all very "Schoolhouse Rock-esqe."
There are some funny moments in the video, it is a creation of the super talented Seth McFarland after all, but is this enough to convince vaccination holdouts to get their jabs? I don't know. See what you think of the video!
Photo: Getty Images