Gwyneth Paltrow is out with her ridiculous 2021holiday gift guide from her lifestyle brand GOOP.
On her website she’s organized items into ten different categories to make it easier to search for what you want with silly names like “The Ridiculous but Awesome” and “The Lover.” Yes, as always there are lots of naughty items on the list this year.
Of course, there are some outrageously expensive items for sale as well, the most expensive being what looks like a children’s playset called the Bubble Gum Gym. That racks up a price tag of $34,000 thanks to its lacquered wood and gold-plated accents. 34 thousand dollars! I can see it now. You’ll buy that for your kid, and they’ll play with the box instead.
Clark Griswold would love this gift. There’s a $10,500 saucer sled from Chanel.
Here’s a ridiculous stocking stuffer. A $450 rose quartz table-top lighter and ash tray.
You could use that lighter on your new "This Smells Like My Orgasm" candle. That'll set you back $75.
I’ve gotta admit though...this is pretty cool. Under “The Ridiculous but Awesome” category is the Home Alone 2 package that includes a night’s stay at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, a limo tour with a lovely cheese pizza just for you and a16 scoop ice cream sundae to enjoy in your room!
Click HERE to shop the GOOP holiday gift guide.