Kristin Lessard & Steve Kelly

Kristin Lessard & Steve Kelly

Kristin & Steve, weekday mornings from 5-10!Full Bio


Wordle Cheating is at an All Time High, Especially in New England!

Wordle is a hugely popular word game that the New York Times purchased back in late January. WordFinderX, is a word games reference tool, conducted a study using Google Trends data to find just how many people are searching (yes, cheating lol) for the answer to the day’s Wordle game. The study looked at data through February 20th, and found Google searchers for “today’s Wordle” increased by 196 percent since the New York Times bought the free game. Search interest for the day’s Wordle had the largest one week increase from February 6th to 13th, when interest jumped from nearly 70 on Google’s popularity scale to 100. WordFinderX says the “biggest cheaters” can be found in New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington D.C., Massachusetts and Maine—New England's representing ! They all had the highest number of “today’s Wordle” searches in that time period. Cheaters were least likely to come from Alaska, Mississippi, New Mexico, or Kentucky. Apparently folks are cheating to protect their "streak"!


Photo: Getty Images

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