The beloved show “My Fair Lady” is coming to Providence! The Lincoln Center Theater production of Lerner and Lowes “My Fair Lady” will be at the Providence Performing Arts Center May 11th through the 15th!
Tickets to this wonderful show would be a great gift for mom this Mother’s Day! They’re still available at the PPAC Box Office, you can stop by and buy them in person or call 401-421-ARTS. You can also purchase online HERE!
One of the stars of the show, Kevin Pariseau, is a native of Rhode Island, he was born and raised in East Providence, and he’s thrilled to be back home again!
Kevin plays Colonel Pickering in My Fair Lady. The character and his friend, Professor Henry Higgins, place a wager about whether or not Higgins can transform Eliza Doolittle, a girl who works selling flowers in Covent Garden in London, into a high-class lady just by ridding her of her Cockney accent.
Listen to Kristin’s interview with Kevin below!