Kristin Lessard & Steve Kelly

Kristin Lessard & Steve Kelly

Kristin & Steve, weekday mornings from 5-10!Full Bio


Eating In Bed Can Be A Deal Breaker

There are a lot of things that folks just can’t deal with in relationships, and apparently for many people, eating in bed is one of them.

A new survey finds:

  • A third of Americans say having a partner eat in bed is a total deal breaker.
  • That’s true for 38% of Millennials who would actually think about ending a relationship if a partner ate in bed.
  • But while some people are totally grossed out by eating in bed, apparently a a lot of people do it.
  • In fact, 35% of people admit to eating in bed.
  • That could be because a lot of people say they get hungry at bedtime.
    • 48% of people say they regularly eat before bed time.
    • 50% of people say they crave sweets like cookies (42%) at night.
    • 32% crave salty snacks like chips (49%) or popcorn (45%)
  • But all this eating before bed could be affecting people’s sleep, especially when it comes to those pesky crumbs.
  • 80% of Americans say finding crumbs in the bed had led to their worst night’s sleep. 
  • When it comes to sleep, 21% of those polled say they haven’t had a perfect night’s sleep in over a month.
  • The average person wakes up three times per night.

Source-SWNS Digital

Girl eating chips in bed and watching news in phone

Photo: Getty Images

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