Money might not buy happiness, but it definitely pays for some conveniences that can make ya pretty happy. A Reddit thread gets into this topic by asking, “What’s the one thing you would treat yourself to regularly if money was no object?”
More than 12-thousand people are sharing the splurges they’d make if they suddenly had more cash than they knew what to do with. These are some of the best responses:
- “Weekly housekeeping services. I really hate housekeeping.”
- “Whatever I wanted. A little treat at the shop, a cute but impractical piece of clothing, a dinner out maybe. I'd just like to be able to buy something I want for no other reason than because I want it, without having to do all of the mental gymnastics and algorithms about whether it's "worth it" or what I might need that money for later on as I regret the purchase.”
- “Every musical instrument I can fit under a roof.”
- “Now that I do have money, the one thing I treat myself to is getting whatever I want on a restaurant menu. If I want appetizers, I don't try to get the cheapest, just what sounds good.”
- “High quality food, with actual nutrition.”
- “Leisure time. More of it.”
- “Fancier and more frequent date nights with the wife.”
- “Spa days. Self care is expensive.”
- “Sleep.”
- “Facials, massages, vacations.”
- “Trips abroad and stays in expensive hotels.”
- “Dental care.”
- “Personal cook/nutritionist. Having my meals made for me, and them being healthy meals, would be so nice.”
- “I would treat myself to retirement.”
- “I’d buy a house…so tired of how I’m treated as renter.”
- “Charcuterie boards, tattoos, and deep tissue massages.”
- “Long international flights in first class. Something about that just seems so relaxing to me.”