You never know what you’ll learn on the Internet, especially on Reddit. Someone potsed the question, “What seems harmless, but is actually incredibly dangerous?” on Ask Reddit. Thousands of responses have come in-
- “Putting your feet on the car dashboard.”
- “Crazy to think that the only thing protecting all of us from violently crashing head-on into oncoming traffic is the expectation that everyone follows the guidelines of painted lines on the ground. No walls, no barriers, just the hope that everyone stays in their own lane, and doesn't drift 5 ft over and risk putting you in a potentially fatal accident.”
- “AI algorithms and deep fake technologies. It can be used for far more nefarious things than creating videos about three presidents arguing about video games.”
- “Moose.”
- “Not boiling dried kidney beans long enough … Lectin toxicity.”
- “Coconuts. You are 20X more likely to get killed by a falling coconut than a shark!”
- “A patch of calm, smooth ocean between sections that look rough. Generally that means that there's a rip under the surface. That patch of water wants to yank you out to sea and drown you.”
- “Giving honey to an infant. Botulinum toxin causes flaccid paralysis and so baby won't be able to breathe. Do not give <1yo infant honey as it can be fatal.”
- “Sitting all day long.”
- “Backflips into a pool. As a lifeguard I can tell you, you WILL break your neck. I don’t care that you’re good at it. Stop doing them.”
- “Dogs. The 4th most deadliest animal on the planet. at an approximate 35,000 deaths per year. There are many many more dog attacks, maulings, bites. As we have these animals in our homes, in our neighborhoods, they could actually be the most dangerous animal in the western world.”
- “Colorful and pretty wildlife you’re unfamiliar with. If you wouldn’t eat a berry you’re unfamiliar with, why would you pick up an animal you’re unfamiliar with?”
- “Erotical choking.”
- “Pool covers. It's like being wrapped in a bedsheet underwater. You cannot get free and you cannot scream for help. Once you're in, the only way to get out is to be incredibly lucky and get free or have faith that someone saw or heard you fall in and hope that they get you in time. It's a lengthy, terrifying, death that's completely avoidable.”
- “Reddit. Thief of time, spreader of unresearched opinions, home of abuse and a constant stream of dopamine.”
Photo: Getty Images