Kristin Lessard & Steve Kelly

Kristin Lessard & Steve Kelly

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Workers Prioritize Work Life Balance Over Pay

Everybody loves seeing their bank balance grow, but nowadays, employees are more focused on the balance between their work and home lives. According to a report by career research site The Muse, work-life balance has surpassed compensation as the top priority for employees when deciding to stay at a job or look for a new one.

When it comes to work-life balance, the survey of nearly 7-thousand workers shows:

  • Gen Zers highly value a healthy work-life balance, with 60% citing it as the most important factor in evaluating a new job opportunity (versus 40% who say money is most important).
  • Millennials and Gen X also prefer work-life balance over income, but by a much smaller margin than Gen Z.
  • Across different racial and age groups, work-life balance was stated as the top priority when considering a new job.
  • A large majority (70%) consider a company's work-life balance when determining if it is a good fit.

More women (76%) rank work-life balance as their top priority compared to men (65%).

The survey also shows:

  • Unhealthy, unsupportive work environments are the main reason employees leave their jobs, with 34% of respondents attributing their job search to toxic workplace culture.
  • Among generations, millennials are the least tolerant of toxic workplaces.
  • Remote job listings receive three times as many applications as those tied to specific locations.

While work-life balance is the undisputed priority for workers surveyed and compensation was a close second, other factors they consider in choosing a new job include:

  • Learning and growth opportunities (59%)
  • Office culture and colleagues' likability (59%)
  • Job perks and benefits (58%)
  • Job security (47%)
  • Company leadership (41%)

The Muse founder and CEO Kathryn Minshew says the findings from the survey show there’s been a shift from the traditional narrative that employment is just a trade of time and effort for money. This data proves that employees now expect much more from employers than just a paycheck.

Source-CBS News

Two office workers having high-five

Photo: Getty Images

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